This page is the samples page. There will be recent uploads of Legend of Dragons that you may download and try out. These samples will be in ZIP format, so you'll need WinZip or some other ZIP utility.
I am not responsible for ANYTHING that may happen to anybody's computer at any time. These demos have been tested on a range of PCs from a Pentium 75Mhz to an AMD 400Mhz. It works. Please refer to any README files within the demos for information on troubleshooting and setting the demos up.
Sample 1 - This sample is the first release of the Legend Of Dragons game. All you can do in this demo is walk around on the world map and fight monsters. This is a quick throw together just in order to have something for the site. It is very cheap in the way it is set up, but I already made another demo that's much cleaner to work with, but I can't put it up yet due to minor problems. Enjoy!
Sample 2 - This newer sample is a much better one. The music has been cut out, but the game play is smoother and the conversion from the map to battle is much better.
Here are some MIDI files that go along with Legend Of Dragons. They were all created by William M Baron.
Battle Music - - Castle Music - - Dungeon Music - - Theme of Legend Of Dragons - Legend - Creatures - The ArrivalEmail me at if you have questions/comments. I may not get back to everybody right away though.
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